One year of working from home
Written in March 12, 2021 - 🕒 1 min. readHappy #quarantineversary! Oh yeah, it’s been one year, one year since I was told to work from home for the next two weeks, and apparently, this includes give or take ~50 extra weeks - and counting.
Fortunately, I had the privilege of keeping my job and gained the free time to invest in some personal projects, like working on the Skate Platformer game, learning React Hooks, playing lots and lots of videogames - something that I was struggling to find time to do in the past.
I actually don’t have anything to add in this blog post, it just felt like I needed to write something about 2020, so why not? So here is a picture of my last day in the office vs a picture of my lunch today (free pizza sponsored by the hackathon at work):

My beard got bigger 👀
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