
Trying out Phaser JS Arcade Physics - Skate Platformer Game Devlog #01

Written in September 2, 2020 - 🕒 1 min. read

Hey guys, quite some time since I don’t post anything, right… like 4 years.

Well, I’m back to bring you some good news, or so I hope. This year I decided to dedicate a few hours of my free time to learn how to make games. I had done it a few years ago and tried to use Unity, but I felt overwhelmed with so much to learn from it’s IDE.

Last year I discovered the framework that allows me to create games using what I already know and use every day: JavaScript. I decided to log all my story of the game in the form of videos game devlogs, and today I bring you the first of the series.

I hope you like it and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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