
2010 is coming

Written in December 31, 2009 - 🕒 1 min. read

2009 was a kick ass year! Several new games, cellphones and awesome movies. Now I keep thinking of my new things of this year: my new screen, my Wii, my DSi, my PSP, my camcoder etc.

2009 was a really good year, even for the cellphone games, reminding the release of Zombie Infection, Sonic, Megaman and still some news of the fusion between Gamelof and Capcom.

This year was announced the Spirit Tracks OUT OF NOWHERE and released still on the same year. Several games were released, such as Brutal Legend, Sillent Hill: Shatted Memories, Little Big Planet (PSP) etc. Other games were announced, like Little Big Planet, Assassin’s Creed and Metal Gear for PSP, Metroid: Other M for Wii and also the confirmation that a new Wii Zelda is being developed!

So many good movies came out this year (some of them don’t came out as expected, but they were good as well) that I can’t even remember them all, such as Gamer, Grace, The Surrogates, The Box.

Well, if 2010 is half of kick ass as 2009, it’s going to be an awesome year… but just being the year that the release of Metroid: Other M, and maybe the new Zelda for Wii, it is WAY TOO BETTER than 2009! Not to remind the several awesome movies (such as Shutter Island) and some other tecnologic things and games that are still going to be announced next year!

Happy new year guys! Have plenty of fun =D



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